Health, Wellness & Wealth, Comes From The Same Source: Mindset!


"When you take a walk with someone, 

something  happens that neither of you pays  

attention to; you  will adjust to their pace or

 they  will  adjust to your pace."

- Sidney Poitier  


Come Take A Walk Me! 


Typically speaking, the speed at which one walk reflects their Mindset, and that Mindset is one of the ways we decide if we can help you.  


"The most important question anyone can

 ask is: "What myth am I living?"

- Carl Jung 

"The #1 secret to success in all areas is  

understanding your mindset!" - "the Colonel" 

About Your Mindset 

Although everyone's Mindset is unique in many different areas, knowing and recognizing the most common mindset types will be helpful when making all the decisions you make throughout your life and especially those related to money. 


The three basic mindsets are: 






Let's take a moment to look at the three basic mindsets!


The person with the fixed Mindset thinks of themselves in the followings ways:

I don't have time * I will probably fail * I am good at it, or I am not good at it * Fear of failure is a big thing with me * I don't do well under pressure * You can,t change who you are * I am the curse of my parents. A fixed mindset will inhibit everything you set out to do, limiting your potential.  


Not long ago I was shopping at a local store and there was a young lady with a 5 or 6 year old child with her.  The mother ask the child, "Would You Like This Toy!"  The child immediately responded, "That's to Hard!" His response made me feel sad! 


At 6 years old who did this child learn that response from!  What if the mother had said, yes son, at first clance it appears hard but I am sure that because you are such a smart young man, I am sure you will be able to learn how it works in a very short time!


I can learn to do anything that interests me * I like a challenge * My attitude and efforts will get me through anything * I have a "let's do it" mentality * Failure is not an option for me. I like a challenge.  


The benefit mindset is seldom discussed but was the guiding light to my financial successes. The Benefit Mindset will keep your goals and your why up close and personal. This is where the most tangible success and wealth are derived.  

Collectively, these three mindsets reflect our most common beliefs about ourselves, our environment, the world around us, and also "OUR MONEY!" Success in all areas, including your financial achievements, is greatly affected by your MINDSET! Of course, there are middle-ground areas and times when we revert back or spring forward, but the primary three mindsets remain.



More to come!


Carlton L. Dowdy, 

LTC, US Army, (Ret.)

714-273-5223 /